COLLAGE STUDIES: Compositions with Textures Design 2D: Aston
Size: 9” x 12” maximum depth 1” Mixed-Media
Objectives: *To create asymmetrical tactile (textured) compositions with found materials.
* To employ the principle of Emphasis by balancing a smaller focal area with larger or more open space.
* To construct a spatial hierarchy of shapes or layers that appear to recede from the picture plane.
Medium and Instructions:
* Mixed-media collage with various textured materials glued to bristol paper or matboard. The backing surface should be completely covered and must support the weight of the materials without bending. Avoid materials that cannot be completely glued.
* Try to restrict your selection to analogous colors that work well together, or neutral hues with one or two brighter hues.
* The designs should be nonrepresentational, which means that you are not making pictures of things, but are creating abstract compositions. Lettering, patterns, decorations, and images may be used as design elements, not to portray objects or convey messages. Glossy magazine photos and shiny wrapping paper should not be used.
* Your goal is to transform these materials from their original function, so they are seen as purely formal elements in a picture composed of colored textures.
Required: All of the following should have an area of focus, or high-contrast, or greater complexity balanced by a larger area of open, less active space. Compositions must be asymmetrically balanced.
1. Composition with Emphasis in Horizontal / Vertical Alignment
2. Composition with Emphasis using Organic Shapes
Perforated Paper Composition: Cover a white paper with a solid color in gouache or ink and make small perforations with various implements to create an asymmetrical design with a clear area of emphasis.
- Joe Mruk
- David Caron
- Corrie Sanders
- Matthew Kropff
- Craig Smith
- Jeremiah Mangosh
- Shana Fentress
- Laurie Barnes
- Laurie Barnes
- Desiree Thomas