Project Rubric                 Advanced Drawing               Name:__________________________   Level _______

Complete student section below, attach to project, and submit for grading


Project # and theme ___________________Title of Artwork ____________________________________________________


5 Drawings per semester = (3 to 6 hours per week classwork on Mondays = 9 hours minimum per drawing.

Slide lectures, drawing experiments, studio demonstrations, sketches, and critiques are included in the total hours.


Each project receives 3 drawing grades and 1 grade for an artist’s statement. Dates must be noted on the back of the project after each Monday drawing session. Visual research, additional studies, class drawings and experiments should be dated, labeled, and attached with paperclips to each 3-week project and submitted for grading with this rubric. Artist’s statements must also be attached.


———————————————————To be completed by Professor ————————————————————–


Placement of lines and shapes; use of positive/negative spaces; balance and unity of visual design


Color and Value _______

Tonal range and color harmony. Does color enhance or detract? Is it appropriate for the mood you are attempting to convey?


Spatial Illusion   ______

Visual hierarchy of Layers, objects or text / use of atmospheric or linear perspective


Media Application and Experimentation _______

Exploration of new materials or processes; includes experimental surfaces and mixed media


Drawing from Observation ______ 3 hours minimum per project   Yes _____ No_____

Skill in draftsmanship, use of light and shadow, sensitive markmaking that expresses mood or emotion

Observational drawing is required. If you are not drawing from observation or using your own original photographs, you must explain the reason in your statement.


Drawing from Appropriated Sources _______

Source material must be cited, printed out, and attached. Original photos should be printed and attached. Yes _____ No_____


————————————————————–To be completed by Student ————————————————————


Written Artist’s Statement _______       attached ___________       not attached __________

Expression of intent, description of subject matter, working process, relation between form and content, etc.

Statements should be copied and distributed to classmates before your critique presentations at midterm and finals.


Critique Presentation           Present __________           Absent _______     (Reschedule if you are absent)

Oral presentation of thematic content, influences, subject matter, materials; discussion of strengths, weaknesses, new ideas, etc.


Critique of Classmates: Written or Verbal         Present _______   Absent ________

Responses were:   Frequent_____(A)   Occasional _____ (B)   Seldom _____(C) Never____(D)

Written comments attached: yes_________ no_________                                          


Additional Work: Record drawing experiments, sketches, or extra observational, drawings with titles below.


week 1 ___________     ____________   week 2 _____________   ______________ week 3 ______________     ___________

Attendance Record week 1 yes /   no    yes /   no    week 2   yes /   no      yes /   no    week 3   yes /   no    yes /   no    

Project grade __________


A+ = 12, A = 11,    A- = 10,    B+ = 9,    B = 8,    B- = 7,    C+ = 6,    C = 5,    C- = 4,    D+= 3, D= 2,  D- =1, F=0







Figure Drawing Objectives and Grading Rubric                         Name:____________­­­_____________________________­­­­­­­­­­­  Level ____

Attach to Drawing for Grading   

        Pose or Assignment___________________________________________________Date/s of Pose _________­­­­­­­­_   Submission Date  _______


                          Formal Concerns Application of the Elements and Principles of Design   (Choose at least 3)


Composition:    Principles of Design: Balance, Economy, Emphasis, Harmony, Repetition, Rhythm, Variation, Unity)

_____Excellent               _____Good              _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ Unacceptable


                           Elements of Design: (Line, Shape, Form, Space, Color, Value, Texture, Movement and Direction)


Line   Line varies from thick to thin, light to dark / Contour line describes form / Does the use of line express the artist’s feeling about the subject?

_____Excellent               _____Good              _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ Unacceptable


Shape/Proportions  Is the size and placement of shapes correct? Do proportions convey illusion of foreshortening? Are shapes distorted for a reason?

_____Excellent               _____Good              _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ Unacceptable


Color      Does the color add or detract from the atmosphere or mood you are trying to convey?

_____Excellent               _____Good              _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ Unacceptable


Value  Is there enough value contrast to convey the illusion of form and space? Does the value range express your aesthetic intent?

_____Excellent               _____Good              _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ Unacceptable


Illusion of Space / Use of Linear or Atmospheric Perspective /  Is the spatial illusion convincing?

Is there a distinct visual hierarchy of objects or layers / Does the use of flat, shallow or deep space support your aesthetic intent?

_____Excellent               _____Good              _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ Unacceptable


Texture / Markmaking /Brushstrokes /Use of Hatching, Cross-hatching or Cross-contour line or Directional Markmaking to show light or shadow

Is the texture of the hair and skin convincing? Does the quality of lines and marks add or detract from your aesthetic intent?

_____Excellent               _____Good              _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ Unacceptable


Movement / Direction/ Gesture

Does the sketch capture the model’s gesture, posture, or movement? / Does the use of directional lines and movements support your intention?

_____Excellent               _____Good              _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ Unacceptable


Background Surface Media Experimentation / Use of Mixed Media or Non-traditional Materials

_____Excellent               _____Good                 _____ Acceptable             _____Poor          ______ No background attempted

If the process is new or experimental, describe materials or methods for creating background surface or making marks on back à


Drawing accurately portrays physical likeness or facial features of model

______Excellent             _____Good                ______Acceptable           _____Poor            ______Unacceptable


Drawing captures expression or psychological state of model or artist

______Excellent            ______Good              ______Acceptable            _____Poor            ______Unacceptable



Aesthetic Intent or Conceptual Position Choose at least 2 and describe in a few words


Aesthetic Intention: __________________________________________________________________________________________


Intended Mood, Atmosphere, Expression or Psychological State  ______________________________________________________


Thematic Content or Narrative  _________________________________________________________________________________


Conceptual Position or Process  _________________________________________________________________________________


Art-Historical Style or Influences _______________________________________________________________________________


Drawing Grade _______  x   ________Days