GRADE and ATTENDANCE  Record                Natural Science Drawing                                     Name  ____________________


Grades are given for each day of classwork.


Jan. 21, Tues. ___ Invertebrate Slides / Research_____________________    Thurs. Jan. 23 ___ Invertebrate: Display Research/Composing/Drawing___


Jan. 28, Tues. ___ Invertebrate Drawing/Scanning  ____________________  Thurs. Jan. 30 ___ Invertebrate: Critique of Work in Progress  _________


Feb. 4, Tues. ____ Invertebrate Scanning / __________________________    Thurs. Feb. 6 ___   Invertebrate Due  ____________________________


Feb. 11, Tues. ___ Plant / Fungi / Slides / Research___________________     Thurs. Feb. 13 ____ Plant / Display Research/ Composing /Drawing ____


Feb. 18, Tues. ___ Plant / Fungi / Drawing / Scanning  _________________  Thurs. Feb. 20 ____Plant  /  Critique of Work in Progress   ___________


Feb. 25 Tues.  ___ Plant / Fungi / Class Critique  ___________________       Thurs. Feb. 27 _____Plant / Fungi Due  __________________________


Mar. 3, Tues.  ____ Vertebrate / Slides / Research_____________________   Thurs. Mar. 5 _____Vertebrate: Display Research / Composing _______


Mar. 16, Tues. ___ Vertebrate ____________________________________    Thurs. Mar. 19 ____ Vertebrate Drawing________________________


Mar 24, Tues. ___ Vertebrate  / Class Critique  ________________________ Thurs. Mar. 26_____Vertebrate Due _____________________________


Mar 31, Tues. ___ Landscape / Tree / Slides / Research__________________ Thurs. April. 2____ Landscape Painting / Drawing __________________


April 7, Tues. ___  Landscape / Tree / _______________________________ Thurs. April 9____  Landscape Painting / Drawing___________________


April 14, Tues. ___ Landscape / Tree Class Critique  ___________________Thurs. April 16____ Landscape Painting / Drawing Due_______________


April 21, Tues. ­­___BioDesign Project Slides / Research_________________ Thurs. April 23 ____  BioDesign: Critique of Concept/Display Research ___


April 28, Tues. ___BioDesign ___________________________________    Thurs. April 30 ____­­ BioDesign / Critique of Work in Progress   _______


May. 5, Tues. ___   Final Exam: BioDesign Presentations and Project Due  _____  (x 2)



Oral Presentation    ___________________________  Artist or Art Style   Date_____     Powerpoint  _________  + Presentation  ________       (x 2)


Verbal Participation in Discussions and Critiques  / Midterm  presentation ____discussion ____ (x 2) Final presentation ____discussion ____ (x 2


Photo Print of High Resolution Scan _____(x 1) Optional: one additional scan may be submitted for each project  #2_____ #3_____ #4____ #5____


Participation in Exhibition:  Installation, Opening, or Clean-up  ______(x 1)         Optional Framing and Exhibition of Artwork  ____ (x 1)     


Attendance at Art Events: Earth Day show____ Ron Donoghue talk  ____   Honors Thesis Presentation on Art and the Environment  _____  (x 1)


Classroom Conduct and Clean-up  ______ (x 1)            


Attendance and Classroom Conduct Record      Excused Absences  ________ Unexcused Absences _______                        Total = ________


After 4 absences , excused + unexcused, the Final Grade drops one letter.

*3 days late / leave early/ long breaks = (1) absence;  *Leave mess or don’t help with clean up = (1) Zero;  *Texting in class or wearing headphones = (1) absence 

Each absence, excused or unexcused, counts as 0 unless a 3-hour independent drawing from observation is submitted within 1 week of absence.


Make-up Drawings Submitted:

  1. Subject ______________________Absence Date _____Grade _____  4. Subject ______________________Absence Date _____Grade _____ 


  1. Subject ______________________Absence Date _____Grade _____ 5. Subject ______________________Absence Date _____Grade _____



FINAL GRADE:  ___________   (Total points divided number of grades given)  


A+ = 12          A = 11         A- = 10             B+ = 9          B = 8         B- = 7        C+ = 6,        C = 5      C- = 4         D+= 3       D= 2        D- =1       F=0