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Barnacle 2. Oil on Linen
Barnacle 1. Oil on Linen
Mussels. Oil on Canvas 30″ x 36″
Starfish. Oil on Canvas 60″ x 48″
Collection of John Morris, Pittsburgh PA
Gourd Forms 40″ x 52″
Yucca Pod, Oil on Canvas, 22″ x 30″
Magnolia, Oil on Canvas, 19″ x 23″
Hybrid. 140″ x 51″(unfinished and in progress) Oil on Canvas, 4 panels: 36″ x 50″ each
140″ x 51″ Unfinished in Progress
Fire at Sea
Seascape 2
Pink Hollyhock, Oil on Canvas, 36″ x 36″
Black Locust Blossom (unfinished in progress)
Ocean (Oil on Mixed Media Monotype 40″ x 52″
Ocean (detail)
44″ x 90″
Magnolia Blossom
Comfrey, Oil on Paper, 11″ x 15″
Tulip Poplar Blossom 11″ x 15″
Rose of Sharon (in progress) Oil on Canvas 38″ x 48″
Mother of Thousands, Watercolor, Varnish and Oil on Paper,11″ x 15″
Rose Vine, Oil on Varnished Monotype, 22″ x 30″
White Hollyhock (in progress) Oil on Canvas, 36″ x 36″
Exquisite Corpse Collaboration with Todd Pinkham
Collection of Gary Gard, Chinoteague, VA